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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • it was written by the Author(s) indicated in the Work;
  • the material of the Work was not published in any other publications;

  • the material of the Work is not and will not be presented for publication to any other publications;
  • the Work does not contain statements, which do not correspond to reality, or material, which may infringe upon the intellectual property rights of another person or legal entity, and upon the conditions and requirements of sponsors or providers of financial support;
  • all references used in the Work are indicated and, to the extent the Work incorporates text passages, figures, data or other material from the works of others, the undersigned has obtained any necessary permissions;
  • undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless Kaunas University of Technology from any damage or expense that may arise in the event of a breach of any of the guarantees set forth above;
  • do(es) not object to the spread of the Work by all means of distribution.

Author Guidelines

When submitting a manuscript, authors must include:

  1. An anonymised version of the manuscript (with no author names or other identity disclosing information)
  2. Author details as a separate file (see below)
  3. Author‘s guarantee form concerning work presented for publication (download)
  4. Agreement for the submission of an article to the Journal (download)

The manuscript should be prepared by Microsoft Windows operational system Microsoft Word text editor. The author submits the paper by registering to

The suggested length of the article is ~6000–8000 words, including references.

The structure of the article should correspond to the general requirements of research papers. It should clearly present the research problem, the aim, novelty and relevance in the introduction, theoretical background and/or literature overview, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions, references, following the APA citation system used in the journal.

When referring to other authors in the paper, the name of the author and the year should be indicated in the text. In case of a word by word quotation, the page should be indicated as well. A full list of references is to be provided at the end of the manuscript.

Articles prepared in English must be accompanied by a summary in Lithuanian (200–250 words). Articles prepared in French and German must be accompanied by summaries in English and Lithuanian (up to 200 words each). Articles prepared in Lithuanian must be accompanied by a summary in English (200-250 words).

The structure of the anonymised manuscript should be as follows:

  • Title of the article;
  • Abstract in the original language of the article (approximately 200-250 words);
  • Keywords (5-7) separated by commas;
  • Introduction;
  • Theoretical background and/or literature overview;
  • Methods;
  • Results and discussion;
  • Conclusions;
  • References;
  • Summary and the title in Lithuanian (approximately 200-250 words);
  • Date of submission (year, month);

When submitting the manuscript, the following data about the author should be presented separately:

  • Name, surname;
  • Title, position and affiliation;
  • Research interests;
  • Address and e-mail;
  • Orcid id.

Requirements for the Preparation of a Manuscript

Text. An article should be submitted according to the sequence specified in the general requirements of the article. The text of the article should be submitted in Microsoft Word A4 format (210 x 297 mm), using 11 pt Times New Roman for text and 12 pt Times New Roman in Bold for article headings, and 1.5 lines spacing. Subheadings should be in bold and italics. Bold is allowed only for headings and subheadings. Sections and subsections are not numbered.

Illustrations. Text in the tables and figures should be written in 9 pt. font, using single line spacing. Tables and figures should be numbered and have titles. All tables and figures should have references in the body text of the manuscript.

Tables, figures and illustrations should be submitted in separate files as well. If illustrations are prepared using Excel software, it is necessary to provide open operational files of illustrations. The photo resolution should not be less than 300 dpi.

Longer examples should be numbered throughout the text and indented in a uniform way.


1. Kull, K. (2014). Catalysis and scaffolding in semiosis. In Cabell, K. R. & Valsiner, J. (Eds.), The Catalyzing Mind: Beyond Models of Causality (pp. 111-121). New York: Springer. http://dx.doi. org/10.1007/978-1-4614-8821-7_6

2. Korostenskaja, J. (2014). Setting the verb raising parameter in Lithuanian. Kalbų studijos / Studies about Languages, 25, 14–25.

For more details on citation, see APA style guidelines.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.